Monday, November 3, 2008

Hopping on the band wagon

For a long time now i have wanted to start a blog about my daily thoughts and activities, I figured it would be an easier way of keeping a consistent journal, but as years passed neither the blog nor the journal had been started. My sister (the samurai mom) has a very creative flare to her writing and i admire it. She is funny and makes me laugh and I envy her writing skills. I know too that when I get in the writing mood I can be quite humorous and creative. Lately I have not felt that I can express myself in a way I feel comfortable with, I know that starting this blog will be the cure. So as I continued to read Samurai's blogs I got more inspired but it was still not enough to push me into such a commitment. Things hadn't changed until I had this recent awakening. I was at the white house one day waiting patiently to use the computer. Hours had passed and frustration among the residents had grown intensely. The source of our frustration was none other than the lady of the house. Although wise and beautiful, her lack of computer technique is aggravating at times. I soon came to find out that the reason for the hours of delay were due to samurai and the first lady... setting up a blog. I love my mother and I found it cute that this was the reason for being on the computer and telephone for so long. I was no longer impatient. But as I stood by and watched this happen it occurred to me that it was time I got my blog up and running. When your mother has a blog before you do, things need to change. So here I am, embarking upon this soon to be addicting hobby, Writing blogs one day at a time. Nanny by day...Blogger by night.xoxo


Jessica said...

YAY! I am very excited. Now I can find out stuff that I don't normally find out till a month after they you moving, for instance! Love you!

Samurai Mom said...

I love the title of your blog and the logo.
Commander C started a blog Tuesday night too

grandmawhitehouse said...

I.m glad you joined us!

Shawnel said...

What your moving? Where? Why dont I ever hear about these things? I think that this blog was funny he he. "The White House" and "lady of the House"